The Noble Tradition of Boar Hunting

Hunting for large game was an integral part of a medieval gentleman's martial lifestyle.  Unlike the largely solitary...

Tucks, crowbars of war

The Tuck is an interesting and impressive sword. Having just finished a replica of a nice example, we thought it woul...

Longswords vs Bastard Swords vs Hand-and-a-Half Swords

What's the difference between these swords?


weapon of peasant recruits to a knightly dueling weapon

The pointy joy of type XV swords

These swords are weapons of war ...

Hungarian Axe

"Pocket Pole Axe" C. Tobler

Knightly Pollaxe of the most important knightly weapons...

What is a battle ready sword?

what do people really mean when they say "battle ready"? 

Rondel Daggers

one of the most popular weapons of the late Middle Ages
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