14th Century Dagger Spotlight

A combat dagger for a medieval man-at-arms

Thrusting potential of the Leeds Castle Sword, type XVIIIc

no problem at all thrusting through cloth armor

German Branch Sword

The hilt of this elegant longsword is formed in the writhen, or twisted, style

A&A English Longsword

This mid 15th C style of sword has a unique hilt form. It is seen in surviving pieces and depictions in art and is mo...

Early Finger Rings on Guards, Why?

As part of our exploration of the development of European swords, this week we address the history of finger rings on...

15th Century Two Hander

... delivered himselfe so valauntly by his hardy prowes and greate strength, ...

Knightly Pollaxe

...axe-play is honorable and profitable for the preservation of a body noble or non-noble.

Javelins historical and fun

Great for Battle and the backyard

Prototype Type XVIIIc

New sword on the way!

Top ten weapons to buy with your stimulus check

plus extended discounted shipping!
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