Sword of St Martin 15th C

This sword is based on a depiction in a Book of Hours from France dated about 1440. It is one of the earliest example...

Dr. Amanda Taylor on the Sword Guy Podcast

Our research and work involves collaboration with scholars across the world. This includes many disciplines as we st...

13 most asked questions from the Ren Faire

We are back to doing shows with customers, at least for the present, fingers crossed. We have done renaissance fairs ...

Dagger and War Hammer vs. Maille Armor

In today's video we continue our quest to learn how various weapons interact with different historical armors.  Today...

Product Spotlight: The German Bastard Sword

Our German Bastard Sword is a great example of the heavy combat sword of the 16th Century. It is a sword we choose ...

Our first Renaissance Festival since COVID

This past weekend was the first live event that we have officially attended since the advent of the plague, and it fe...

One or Two Handed? - Hungarian Sword Q & A

In our Hungarian Sword Spotlight we mention a few things that folks had some good questions about. So we thought it w...

Hungarian Sword Spotlight

The Arms and Armor Hungarian Sword is an Oakeshott type XI blade based on an original sword from the early 13th centu...

Cutting with an English Bill

Today we put an Arms and Armor English Bill through its paces.  The English Bill is a 16th century pole arm that was ...

The Polish Saber its history and impact

No sword is ever created in a vacuum. This goes for any weapon or armor for that matter. This fact is one of the most...

Swords and Weapons from the War of the Roses

In honor of the 549th anniversary of the 1471 Battle of Barnet on April 14th, 2020, we present "Swords and Weapons fr...

How were Medieval scabbards made? - a new resource

Here at Arms and Armor we are always on the look out for new research and resources on historical weapons. Over the d...
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