A&A Black Prince Friday!!

We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving or at least a nice Thursday off! As a way to bring some of the commer...

Arms & Armor's War Hammer

The war hammer was a late medieval weapon hand weapon designed to defeat plate armor. War hammers are part of the fa...

Castlerock Museum armor and weapons in history

In our work at Arms & Armor, and doing research as The Oakeshott Institute, we have been lucky enough to visit ma...

Medieval Weapons, seeing the details

In our last post we talked about some of the pluses and minuses of going to a museum with one of us. It is a great w...

"upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!"

Yesterday, the 23rd of April, was the Feast of St. George. It is the traditional day that St George is said to have ...

A prototype sword for training armored HEMA

Today we take a look at a prototype training sword for Harnesfechten, or armored combat.  The training swords typical...

Cutting the head off a pike? Testing a two handed sword.

Today we address the idea that large two handed swords from the early Renaissance were designed to cut the heads from...

Whats new with the Burgundian Pole Axe?

We wanted to look at some of the new details on our Burgundian Pole Axe and talk a bit about the recent upgrade. This...

What we learn from Weapons vs Armor Tests - Whiskey & Weapons V

Our post about the Rondel Dagger vs Mail from Sept 26th we got a lot of great comments and suggestions, we also had m...

Arms & Armor War Hammer

In the late medieval period the war hammer evolved into several forms designed to combat armored opponents. The sin...

Custom Venetian Pirata Sword

In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Venice was one of Europe's greatest powers, drawing its wealth from the exte...

Hungarian Sword with Custom Scabbard

Today we are checking out our Hungarian Sword with a custom hard scabbard. The blade on this sword is an Oakeshott t...
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