Hungarian Axe, an all around favorite!

A stout two-handed axe is an exceptional weapon wether today or in the medieval period. Our Hungarian Axe is a great...

Will this sword really fight?

As we have been selling swords at the Ren Fair for several months we have heard questions like this quite a lot. It ...

Backyard fun with Javelins!

If you are of a certain age you will remember a cool toy called Jarts or Lawn Darts. These were large sharp darts on...

A Sword for Ice Breaker 2024!

This coming weekend is Ice Breaker 2024 the upper midwest's spring HEMA Tournament. We have been supporters and fans...

Rondel Guards on Polearms: Response to Matt Jensen

Today Dr. Nathan Clough takes a closer look at how disc guards on 14th and 15th century polearms were attached, what ...

3 Swords available today!

Hot off the forge to your hands, these three swords are available now, just waiting for a responsible sword parent to...

Glaive, a new item from Arms & Armor

Today we are happy to introduce a beautiful new product, our 15th Century French Glaive. We are very excited about th...

Italian single handed 14th Century Sword, The Malaspina

Marquis of Fosdinovo Galeotto Malaspina Our Malaspina sword is an excellent example of the knightly arming sword o...

Bec de Corbyn

Our Bec de Corbyn is a replica of an original 16th century knightly weapon. The original of this piece was obviousl...

One Holiday Longsword Left!

We have just one of our holiday special longswords left! So we decided to discount it even more! So whoever has been...

Training Swords From Different Times

Today we take a look at three different training swords from the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.  We compare a replic...

A&A Black Prince Friday!!

We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving or at least a nice Thursday off! As a way to bring some of the commer...
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