Whiskey & Weapons with Dr. Guy Windsor part deaux

In this second half of the discussion we dive into some of the aspects of sword use that intrigue us, that we love a...

A chat with Dr. Guy Windsor pt1

In this episode of Whiskey and Weapons we get to chat with our good friend and excellent swords person Dr. Guy Windso...

The Coustel

Over the last couple of decades we have seen several reproductions titled Coustels come on the market and be popular ...

Oliver Reed Remembered

If you follow our blog you are aware we love a good sword movie and some of the characters in these films have been i...

Custom 16th C. Italian Sword

Here is a recently finished sword we have done for a commission. It is based on the style of swords popular in the No...

A Sword for Ice Breaker 2024!

This coming weekend is Ice Breaker 2024 the upper midwest's spring HEMA Tournament. We have been supporters and fans...

Sword News! and friends in need!

Hello All. Today's post is a bit different as it's about the wider community of sword folks. The sword world seems t...

Experience the Joy of One-Handed Swords!

Today we have a word or two in support of the one handed sword. The most common style of sword throughout the medieva...

Concealed Weapons, do they work?

In today's post we discuss how weapons that are concealed in another object might actually be useful or not. It may w...

Training Swords From Different Times

Today we take a look at three different training swords from the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.  We compare a replic...

How did you start making swords?

Looking back through the flow of life that led me to being a sword maker for the last four decades, I blame one fello...

Gothic Hunting Sword

One of the medieval practices we use in our shop is trying to let little go to waste. That is how we will use certai...
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