Pierced blades on rapiers, why?

Fashion and Myth

History of the Knuckle Bow

The early years.

Sword wounds: ancient and otherwise

This post contains humorous but graphic descriptions of wounds we get while making swords.

Flame-bladed swords, why?

What are Flamberge, Flammard, Flambard, and Serpentine blades for?

Prototype Type XVIIIc

New sword on the way!

Complex-hilted Longswords

mid 16th C hand-n-half swords

Broad-bladed rapiers: swords of war

Complex hilted broadswords

Tucks, Needle of Battle

A spike with attitude

The Noble Tradition of Boar Hunting

Hunting for large game was an integral part of a medieval gentleman's martial lifestyle.  Unlike the largely solitary...

Tucks, crowbars of war

The Tuck is an interesting and impressive sword. Having just finished a replica of a nice example, we thought it woul...
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