HIstorical Sword Making
Matching your feder to your sharp longsword
A big hurdle for folks starting out in HEMA is that their first real exposure to how a sword ought to feel is throu...
How much was an early Medieval sword?
This is a difficult question to answer as the time and place of the context is all important. Social status would hav...
How did Vikings name their swords?
The Vikings and related people used kennings to poetically name and describe their weapons.
Gustav Vasa Rapier Spotlight
The Gustav Vasa Rapier from Arms & Armor is an exceptional replica of the sword of a King. Gustav Vasa was king...
Thrusting potential of the Leeds Castle Sword, type XVIIIc
no problem at all thrusting through cloth armor
Katzbalger Sword and Dagger
The distinct sword of the famous Landesknecht soldiers is called a Katzbalger. Today we look at the Arms & Armor ...