Support The Oakeshott Institute from Anti-Sword Bias

This week Craig and Nathan talk about the challenges of keeping The Oakeshott Institute running during the plague, a ...

The Wounds of Summer

This time of year is usually our busiest, and this year is even crazier than ever. What with unprecedented order v...

Dr. Amanda Taylor on the Sword Guy Podcast

Our research and work involves collaboration with scholars across the world. This includes many disciplines as we st...

Arms & Armor Delivery Times

Dear friends, customers, and sword folks, The past year and a half have posed significant challenges for many busines...

Our first Renaissance Festival since COVID

This past weekend was the first live event that we have officially attended since the advent of the plague, and it fe...

The Quarterstaff

The staff is one of the most simple and universal of weapons. Used by cultures around the world and across time, it ...

Virtual presentations for events

One of the most exciting things about working at Arms and Armor is the opportunity to connect with other people who a...

Meet the guys who make the swords!

Meet the men behind the swords!

How much is a custom sword?

creating a custom sword is a collaboration

Working at A&A - The Movie List

Lights, camera, action ...
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