Reviewing the Reviewers - Whiskey & Weapons III

 In the last two decades the biggest change in the modern sword market has been how the internet and its users have c...

Hows the fair going? 2022 Renaissance Update.

This time of year, a question we hear a lot is - How is the fair going? Being we are heading into the 4th weekend of ...

Custom Wakefield Sword

Today we are going to look at a commission recently finished for a customer that turned out quite nice. This sword is...

Arms and Armor is headed for the Chivalric Fighting Arts Symposium

This weekend Arms and Armor VP Dr. Nathan Clough and James Rielly, noted HEMA instructor and manager of the A&A b...

New Crew at Arms & Armor

Many of you know that we've had some turnover in the past year with a couple of long term team members leaving us ...

Fun experimental history project featuring Arms and Armor weapons

Experimental archaeology can be an essential contributor to our understanding of historical events.  In many cases re...

New Hardened Viking Spear

Here at Arms and Armor we are always looking for ways to make our products even more awesome.  As was suggested in a ...

Dream Job: Arms and Armor is Hiring

Sick of your crumby and boring job?  This is your chance to become a professional sword maker.           A medieval ...

Hardened Hungarian Axe

Today we look at an update to one of our most popular items, the Hungarian Axe. This handy and deadly axe has been a ...

What's hot? Sword Buying Trends

One of the interesting things about having been prominent sword makers for over three decades is seeing how the popul...

Weapons you can get for the holidays

We know, it's pretty early to be talking about the holidays, but if you want a weapon beneath the tree on Christmas m...

Whiskey and Weapons, The Beginning

Welcome to the inaugural Episode of Whiskey and Weapons! This will be a continuing conversation between Nathan and C...
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