Swords and Weapons from the War of the Roses

In honor of the 549th anniversary of the 1471 Battle of Barnet on April 14th, 2020, we present "Swords and Weapons fr...

How were Medieval scabbards made? - a new resource

Here at Arms and Armor we are always on the look out for new research and resources on historical weapons. Over the d...

Spada da Zogho: A Sword for the Flower of Battle

An interesting aspect of being a sword maker is trying to create swords to fit particular historical uses.  In today'...

Choosing a sword for test cutting

With the continuing popularity of test cutting with longswords as a way to improve sword fighting skills, and as a co...

The Durer Bastard Sword Spotlight

an iconic sword of the late 15th Century

Matching your feder to your sharp longsword

  A big hurdle for folks starting out in HEMA is that their first real exposure to how a sword ought to feel is throu...

Tangs on Medieval Swords

The truth about tangs, and how they varied.

The best books to understand Medieval Swords

Must have research for the study of the sword.

Scottish Two Handed Sword, or Claymore, Spotlight

Two Handed Swords Of the Highlanders

Thrusting potential of the Leeds Castle Sword, type XVIIIc

no problem at all thrusting through cloth armor

German Branch Sword

The hilt of this elegant longsword is formed in the writhen, or twisted, style
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