Complex-hilted Longswords

mid 16th C hand-n-half swords

A modern boar hunt and its implications for sword fighting

Warning, contains graphic descriptions of historical and modern hunting

Tucks, Needle of Battle

A spike with attitude

The Noble Tradition of Boar Hunting

Hunting for large game was an integral part of a medieval gentleman's martial lifestyle.  Unlike the largely solitary...

Medieval Sword Grip Size

How big should my grip be?

Are rapiers light and fast?

this can be a tricky question


weapon of peasant recruits to a knightly dueling weapon

Swords with a hexagonal blade section.

Swords with a hexagonal blade section seem to get little attention these days.  Maybe it's because so many cheap "Tol...

Gustav Vasa Rapier

Reproductions in support of the original

Thanksgiving Arms & Armor

Pieces from early America
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