Cloth Armor vs Daggers and Swords
Many aspects of how, exactly, historical armors worked remain unknown. In today's blog we investigate the protective...
Is my kid old enough for a sword?
While today we are craftspeople creating replicas of weapons and armor from the past, this was not always the case. A...
An in-depth look at Moonbrand, an iconic Type XIV Medieval Sword
A type XIV Medieval Sword in detail
Product Spotlight: The Burgundian Poleaxe
'provide oneself with suitable weapons, like the axe" Le Jeu de la Hache
How much was an early Medieval sword?
This is a difficult question to answer as the time and place of the context is all important. Social status would hav...
How did Vikings name their swords?
The Vikings and related people used kennings to poetically name and describe their weapons.