Longswords vs Bastard Swords vs Hand-and-a-Half Swords

What's the difference between these swords?

Serenissima Rapier

16th C Serenissima Rapier video review

Historical Sword Making-Heat Treatment pt3

...take human blood, and ‘leave it out’...

Meet the guys who make the swords!

Meet the men behind the swords!


weapon of peasant recruits to a knightly dueling weapon

Dussack Training Pair

"I take pleasure in the Dussack" Conrad Goltzius ca.1590

Swords with a hexagonal blade section.

Swords with a hexagonal blade section seem to get little attention these days.  Maybe it's because so many cheap "Tol...

Historical Sword Making-Heat Treatment pt1

Master Alchemy tells ...

Working at A&A - The Movie List

Lights, camera, action ...

Hungarian Axe

"Pocket Pole Axe" C. Tobler

Knightly Pollaxe

...one of the most important knightly weapons...

A&A Christmas Music

Holiday Music A&A style
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