What is Bluing?

The sword makers of the past used several decorative techniques to enhance their designs. Today we are going to look ...

Whats new with the Burgundian Pole Axe?

We wanted to look at some of the new details on our Burgundian Pole Axe and talk a bit about the recent upgrade. This...

Medieval Hunting and Feasting

This weekend marks the beginning of the fall hunting season in Minnesota with the pheasant opener on Saturday, Octobe...

Talhoffer Messer

We take a look at a recently completed messer crafted along the lines of some of the pieces illustrated in Talhoffer...

Arms & Armor War Hammer

In the late medieval period the war hammer evolved into several forms designed to combat armored opponents. The sin...

A sword for fighting in the Bolognese tradition

Achille Marozzo was an Italian fencing master of the late 15th-mid 16th century.  His 1536 fencing manual, known as ...

How to stab through an armor visor

When fighting in plate armor the historical sources tell us to attack the weak points of your opponents harness.  The...

Oakeshott Sword - a Type XVIII blade

The Oakeshott Sword has been one of our favorites since we first met the piece long ago in Ewart Oakeshott's Collect...

Burgundian Pole Axe available for order

We are pleased to announce that our Burgundian Pole Axe is again available for purchase. The supply chain challenges...

German Branch Sword

The German Branch sword is an exceptional example of the gothic bough form of decoration. Originally a pejorative te...

The story of the medieval sword - Sword in Hand by Ewart Oakeshott

Ewart Oakeshott was a friend, mentor and teacher in our study of the sword and its history. His last book was a loo...

Towton Sword Type XVIIIc

This type XVIIIc longsword is a great example of one of the most important things to know about swords. A good swo...
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