Enjoy the Website!

We are updating and adding to the website all the time. We hope to bring the best experience to our customers. As we adjust and improve we wanted to keep everyone updated on what we have to offer. Here are a few spots to not miss as you check things out.

 Special Offers –

 Two handed sword horizontal layout with black grip and steel furniture.

This is where you can find unique pieces that are one of a kind or very limited groups. Our most recent edition is probably about as large a sword as we are able to make. This two hander is an exceptional sword being only 5.4 lbs but well over five feet long. The size of a sword with a hardened blade is limited by the furnace one has for quenching and tempering. This beautiful sword has a 6150 blade hardened to 50 Rc. Black leather grip and brushed steel pommel and guard.

rapier and sword point to point.

 Care and Feeding of your Weapon –

Scrubbing corrosion off of a blade. 

A source supplying info and help with keeping your armoury in tip top shape. Whether a bit of cleaning, preventative care, or recovery after visit by that guy (you sometimes wonder why you are friends) and need to stop some rust he brought with him; we are here to help.

Rapier and sword.

 Exhibitions and Productions –

German Bastard Sword vs staff with Ben BArnes and Jeff Bridges. 

We have long been involved in stage and film productions providing expertise, training, talent and props for all sorts of projects. Here you can see some of the interesting things we have done and groups we have worked with.

 After Care Package - 

After Care Package

You are also invited to add our After Care Package to your order. There is not additional cost to you but you will receive information on avoiding corrosion, cleaning, display, storage and refurbishing if needed. We provide this as a thank you to our great customers and look forward to helping you with your armoury for years to come.


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~ The Arms & Armor Team

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