Venetian Captain’s Sword

Regular price $1,450.00
Circa 1540, Italian. The Oakeshott Collection (OC010), Minneapolis MN.
Overall length: 39.75"
Blade length: 33.7"
Guard Width: "
Grip Length: 3.9"
COG: 3.4"
This elegant side sword is a replica of one of our favorite swords in The Oakeshott Collection. The style of hilt and blade is illustrated in the famous Opera Nova by Marozzo. The guard is detailed with incised lines mirrored in the block and has an integral fore guard consisting of two sweeping posts that gently bend back towards the pommel. This form of hilt is seen in central Europe and the Iberian peninsula in its early forms. Later it becomes more common across the continent being seen often in Italy and the north. A beautiful sword in hand with a great feel for combat.
This arming sword is mounted with a with a fullered double-edged blade formed with a short point and ricasso at the forte. This would be a Type XIX blade form. The inverted pear shaped pommel is sculpted with three scallop shells roughly evenly spaced. Its form would be a Type T3 pommel in the Oakeshott typology.
The grip core may be original on this sword but it is covered in modern string wrapped around the core. The replica is done in leather with two risers mid grip for added tactile response.
You can interact with a 3d model of the original of this piece here.
Shipping Domestic US 51.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)
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