13th C Hex Pommeled Sword of War

Regular price $1,050.00
COverall length: 44.25"
Blade length: 34.3"
Blade Width: 1.9"
Grip Length: 7.25"
COG: 3.3"
This is a dynamic bastard sword with faceted pommel and a straight guard. This is a classic style of sword hilt mounted on a stiff wide blade. The piece is crafted with a mottled brown grip with a crossed set of risers on the fore grip framed by a riser at the base and mid grip. The 13th C saw powerful swords such as this come into popularity for use in armored combat.
This style of sword is the formative stage of the later medieval longsword. The need for swords one could grip in two hands was quickly adopted across Europe.
There is one available of this sword.
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