Custom 16th C. Italian Sword

Here is a recently finished sword we have done for a commission. It is based on the style of swords popular in the No...

Anglo-Saxon Type X from Wandsworth

The discovery at Wandsworth on Thames of a Type X sword dating back to the Anglo-Saxon period was one of the great fi...

3 Swords available today!

Hot off the forge to your hands, these three swords are available now, just waiting for a responsible sword parent to...

Sword News! and friends in need!

Hello All. Today's post is a bit different as it's about the wider community of sword folks. The sword world seems t...

Experience the Joy of One-Handed Swords!

Today we have a word or two in support of the one handed sword. The most common style of sword throughout the medieva...

Italian single handed 14th Century Sword, The Malaspina

Marquis of Fosdinovo Galeotto Malaspina Our Malaspina sword is an excellent example of the knightly arming sword o...

Understanding sword edges

I recently had a nice talk with a younger fellow who was discussing his first sword purchase and some of his concerns...

A custom Roman Gladius

Almost certainly the most iconic sword of the ancient world was the Roman Gladius. This sturdy short sword was the ar...

Gothic Hunting Sword

One of the medieval practices we use in our shop is trying to let little go to waste. That is how we will use certai...

Castlerock Museum armor and weapons in history

In our work at Arms & Armor, and doing research as The Oakeshott Institute, we have been lucky enough to visit ma...

How do cross guards work on swords and daggers?

A query from one of our viewers on a recent video prompted us to answer his questions in this quick video about cros...

What is it like to go to a Museum with a sword maker?

The answer to this question will depend on whether you like swords or not and if you do how much of a sword geek are ...
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