Custom 16th C. Italian Sword

Here is a recently finished sword we have done for a commission. It is based on the style of swords popular in the No...

A Two Hander and a Side Sword...

Today we have two swords up in our Artisan Section. A massive Two Hander and a16th century side sword. Both pieces ar...

A Sword for Ice Breaker 2024!

This coming weekend is Ice Breaker 2024 the upper midwest's spring HEMA Tournament. We have been supporters and fans...

Glaive, a new item from Arms & Armor

Today we are happy to introduce a beautiful new product, our 15th Century French Glaive. We are very excited about th...

Sword News! and friends in need!

Hello All. Today's post is a bit different as it's about the wider community of sword folks. The sword world seems t...

Bec de Corbyn

Our Bec de Corbyn is a replica of an original 16th century knightly weapon. The original of this piece was obviousl...

Concealed Weapons, do they work?

In today's post we discuss how weapons that are concealed in another object might actually be useful or not. It may w...

A&A Black Prince Friday!!

We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving or at least a nice Thursday off! As a way to bring some of the commer...

Spear meant for the holidays!

Every year we catch ourselves realizing there is not that much time till the gift giving season is upon us like an in...

Experimenting with the impact of Medieval quenching recipes on steel hardness

On Oct 25th The Oakeshott Institute live cast their latest quarterly lecture on researching involving the Institute, ...

Arms & Armor's War Hammer

The war hammer was a late medieval weapon hand weapon designed to defeat plate armor. War hammers are part of the fa...

Two Fairs at Once!

We are in our busiest time of the year. We have booths open at both the Bristol Renaissance Fair and the Minnesota Re...
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