St. George's Day and happy birthday to Shakespeare!

Tomorrow is the 23rd of April, a day that holds two connections to our efforts over the years. First it is the day u...

Reproducing the sword of King Henry V

Henry of Monmouth asserted his claim to the throne of England on this day, March 21st, 1413, a day after the death of...

Poetry of the Sword

Swords are cool for many reasons. They are combative tools that require great skill to master as much as they are ...

Some American Swords for Presidents Day

  To celebrate Presidents day here are some awesome pics and links about the sword collection of George Washington.  ...

Get a classic out of print book on Rapiers and Small-swords for Christmas

Rapier and Smallsword:1460-1820 by A.V.B. Norman is arguably the single most important reference work on complex hilt...

The First Sword

 We are often asked "What was the first sword?" when we are feeling snarky we will talk about the first sword we pers...

Hunting Swords

In the Medieval period the hunt was seen as excellent training for combat and would often involve the use of hand we...

Sword of St Martin 15th C

This sword is based on a depiction in a Book of Hours from France dated about 1440. It is one of the earliest example...

The Xiphos

Today we look at the Xiphos, the classic double-edged sword of the ancient Greek warrior. It is a weapon that straddl...

What is a short sword?

Sword terminology is a complex mix of ancient terms, often misleading Victorian description, and modern pop-cultural ...

Distal and Profile Taper of European Swords

Alright, this post comes with a long video, so settle in and grab some popcorn or a beer.  Among historical sword afi...

Custom I.33 Trainer

One of the most interesting aspects of our work is designing training swords that really feel and move like historica...
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