Sword of St Martin 15th C

This sword is based on a depiction in a Book of Hours from France dated about 1440. It is one of the earliest example...

Dr. Amanda Taylor on the Sword Guy Podcast

Our research and work involves collaboration with scholars across the world. This includes many disciplines as we st...

Distal and Profile Taper of European Swords

Alright, this post comes with a long video, so settle in and grab some popcorn or a beer.  Among historical sword afi...

Custom I.33 Trainer

One of the most interesting aspects of our work is designing training swords that really feel and move like historica...

Norseman Spear vs maille armor

In today's blog we highlight our Norseman Spear and demonstrate its thrusting ability against riveted maille armor. W...

Our first Renaissance Festival since COVID

This past weekend was the first live event that we have officially attended since the advent of the plague, and it fe...

Anglo-Saxon Sword Spotlight

Our Anglo-Saxon Sword is a great example of the type of weapon wielded by the warriors of the late 10th and early 11...

Medieval Longword Edge Sharpness

Today we will look in detail at a specific surviving longsword's edge and how sharp such a sword would have been in p...

One or Two Handed? - Hungarian Sword Q & A

In our Hungarian Sword Spotlight we mention a few things that folks had some good questions about. So we thought it w...

Hungarian Sword Spotlight

The Arms and Armor Hungarian Sword is an Oakeshott type XI blade based on an original sword from the early 13th centu...

Medieval Sword Edges, how sharp?

When we look at the functionality of a sword, the edge and point are the only reason the rest of the piece exists. As...

Does Cutting Wood With a Sword Teach Us Anything?

There are periodic debates among sword lovers about what kinds of abuse a sword should be able to survive. On the one...
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